Foundation phase accomplishments from 1979 to 2015 Since its inception, the association has devoted significant attention to formal and informal education, gradually establishing large educational institutions.

1.The Young Muslim Girls High Schools in Jerusalem, founded in 1979 to provide education to 410 students distributed over 13 classes from the elementary to high school.

2. Building the YMWCA Secondary School in Wadi Al-Joz in 2015, which includes more than 22 classrooms in addition to the public facilities and playgrounds and which was allocated to accommodate 700 female.

3. Young Women Vocational Training Center which was founded in 1979 to serve young women, housewives, and high school graduates.

4. Young Women Vocational Training Center in Wadi Al-Joz established in 2015 . . .

5. The library, which was founded in 1979 at a time when public libraries were scarce. It includes more than 1,000 books in science, history, Islamic culture and encyclopedias, in addition to newspapers and periodicals.

6. Al- A’taa Kindergarten in Wadi al-Joz, which was founded in 2017 and started working in 2018.